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Swine Day in Belgium


Every year on November 15, Belgian civil servants celebrate King's Feast Day.

Belgian embassies in capital cities around the world host a celebration for local government leaders and other foreign diplomats to honor the King of the Belgians, who is, at present, Albert II of Saxe-Coburg & Gotha.

Several years ago, a judge in Belgium obtained documentary evidence that Albert, before becoming king, sexually abused children at parties who were provided for that purpose. The documents also implicated the former playboy prince in an orgy of ritualized murders of children that were procured for that purpose by the notorious Belgian pedophile Michel Nihoul.

The king filed a civil suit against the French publisher who had released details of the court documents. He offered to donate whatever awards for damages he might win to infamous NGOs in Belgium that, together with the Belgian police, front for and conspire with pedophiles and traffickers in children. But this, of course, was just for show.

Most Belgians have never liked the current king. Without question, if a national referendum had been held upon the death of his older brother, King Baudoin I, in 1993, the vast majority of the Belgian electorate would have confirmed their opposition to Albert becoming king. Few Belgians were surprised by the later revelations in the press that he was suspected of pedophilia and murdering children.

For these reasons, there are civil servants who refuse invitations to celebrate and honor the King of the Belgians. But many others do not hesitate to toast and salute this monster.

The press world-wide should know not publicize such parties in the society pages.

Dick Fabius User: Hangman, The

About King's Feast Day in Belgium


Since 1866, Belgium has celebrated a "Royal Holiday " every year. The holiday is not an official or national holiday. It is a holiday for civil servants only.

The first "Royal Holiday " was on November 15, 1866, in the first year of the reign of King Leopold II.

According to the Christian calendar, November 15 is both Saint Albert Day and Saint Leopold Day.

The day was called "Dynasty Holiday " during the regency of Prince Karol (Charles), from 1944 to 1950.

At the request of the Belgian Prime Minister, Jean Van Houtte, in 1953, "Dynasty Day" was called "King's Day".

Dick Fabius User: Hangman, The